Monday, December 21, 2009

One Week Later

Okay, well we are down one week and I am not going to start counting how many more I have left. Way to many! How am I doing? I am doing okay this week has been so crazy and busy that I have not even had the time to thing too much about missing him. I do miss him late at night and I have not been sleeping has well. But I am doing well. I think I will be better after the holidays cause that is the hard part but hey I am strong and can do it. Jeremy on the other hand is doing great I have talked to him a couple of times and he is doing Good enjoy the sites of Kuwait. So we are holding up.
Well, I have finished school now. I did GREAT in Sociology a A in the class. I loved that class it was so interesting and I learned alot about the cultures and being judgemental about other cultural. So I did great in that class I mean I had to write 6 papers but every time I got 100% on them so Sociology I did excellent in! Now History that is another story......I don't know why I can read or understand history. I just don't get it out of a book epically the political part of it. But here is the catch I LOVE Historical Sites. I love going and learning about old towns, houses, forts, and lighthouses. And when I am there I absorb it all in. I want to look at everything, see it all. I love the read the signs and learn about that place but I can't read History out of a book. So anyways I did past the class with a C. I am kinda mad at myself but oh well I guess it equals out to a B average so that is good.

But, anyways, I got some things to do and get off this computer. Now i got to start my goal list and did started on it.


Anonymous said...

Most all wives I talk to have a hard time at night.
Congrats on the A!

Anonymous said...
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