Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Dear Mother Nature:

Sand is a tiny little particle. It is great feeling when walking on the beach and feeling the sands between your toes. But that is where the sand should stay...on the ground. In Iraq the sand choices to fly and swirl in the sky creating a great sandstorm. Sand on the ground is great but once it is the sky and flying around becomes terrible. Epically when a helicopter should be flying away from the dessert with my husband but due to this wonderful particle the flight is again delayed. I want my husband back NOW! So listen Mother Nature keep the sand on the ground and the sun out and shinning with NO wind. So could you for me Please the Middle East needs NO sandstorms for the rest of the week. Oh and since I am at it keep the weather nice and pretty this weekend! lol!

A Trying to be Patience Wife


Okay if you can't figure out what this is about! Jeremy was supposed to start his Journey Monday night but has of Tuesday he was still there and delayed again. Sand Stroms!!! Who would have known a little thing can cause so much trouble?!?!?!
Hope he will get a flight soon and the rest of the trip goes more smoothly! lol