Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Waiting on the Refer

Okay so I went to the doctor today and we started talking about everything going on with me. Here is my deal: I am have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), High blood pressure and Depression. Okay so here is the Deal, PCOS is my reason for not being able to get pregnant which is the reason for the depression. So we should fix the PCOS to fix the Depression. How do we fix the PCOS? Well, weight loss will help with the hormone levels that deal with the PCOS. Weight gain is actually a sign of PCOS. Okay so why can't I just lose it. Well, because I have a problem (because of the PCOS) with my insulin intake, called Insulin resistance. This goes hand and hand with Diabetes, no I don't have diabetes yet, but I could one day if I don't get it taken care of. The reason the insulin is important is because: It is possible that this extra insulin hitches onto the receptors lining the ovary and stimulates cyst production. I have tried to take Metformin for the insulin levels but that did not help any. So what I am saying here is I can diet and work out but because of my body I will have trouble losing the weight. Okay the other problem is high blood pressure. That can easily be fixed with weight loss too. So the answer to ALL my problems is weight loss.
So the doctor said he thinks the best thing would be to put in a refer for a Gastric Bypass. I was shocked but excitied! I don't know if I will get approved because I barely fit the guidelines. You have to have a BMI of 40% but if your BMI is 34% or higher and you have a medical problem then they take that into consideration. So my BMI is 38% and he express the extreme high blood pressure. So I got to wait about a week to find out if it gets approved. I am sure they will make me get more information before I do it. It is scary because I been reading about it and there is some people I know that have had it done here and lost lots of pounds. The way I eat will have to completely change, but I am willing to do it! So please hope and pray with me that I get approve because then it won't cost me a dime to have it done and it will help me. This is going to be a very slow week waiting!


KeLi said...

I know it will be a slow week waiting, but atleast you found out some news that may help you and Jeremy have a baby! It must be great to finally get some answers! We will be praying for you in Texas!!

-Keli Wells Hendon

Adam said...

Sorry to hear things our so rough. I love you sis.