Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tanks and Guns

Okay so with that title you can guess that I do live on a military post. But this week I got a first hand look at some really cool things.

Okay so this week is Marne week. It is the 91st birthday of the post, Fort Stewart. Fort Stewart is called the Rock of the Marne, due to during one of the world wars the 3ID (3rd Infantry Division(which is Fort Stewart)) keep the Germany out of France at the Marne river. After that people started making jokes about how they were the rock at the Marne river. Now 91 years later you hear "Rock of the Marne" every time you drive though the gate which you are supposed to (but I don't) reply with "Top of the Rock". Not sure where that comes from. Anyways sorry to bored you with History I was bored so I went to the free museum I guess I spent to much time there.

Anyways during this celebration they had a display and not a normal display at all. They had every vehicle that is here at Fort Stewart. You could climb into the tanks, and helicopters and see what it is like. I got to go into a Bradley (which is what Jeremy is supposed to work on) and I also climb into a M88 (which is the recover vehicle that he has now). Which was cool because he is aways talking about it and about driving it out to the field and now I got to see what he was talking about. I also climb into a normal tank with a canon called a Abmira (cant spell it). I also saw what the fire trucks for the army looks like and also communication vehicles. Another cool part was that I got to sit in a black hawk. Yeah that was cool not many people can say they did that. I also saw 2 other helicopters, which one was a Apache and the other a medic one. It was really cool.

Then today we went to ETS. I don't remember what it stands for but something Training Simulator. So it is this one with these big 8 ft scenes and all the guns line up. This is where they train cause even though you are not shooting bullets out you still have to stop and reload just like normal. They was telling me they can do just about any scene to shoot at from targets to guys shooting at you, they can make it rain or snow or sunny. Since there were alot of kids we did the one that you shoot at turkeys and you have to clear this building of guys shooting at you. At first I was so scared. I never shot a gun. So we started out with the M16 and the first time I did terrible. I could not figure out how to reload for the life of me. But after that I figure it out and I got a couple of kills. Anyways I shot a M4, 50 Cal (which are normal the guns on top of the tanks), Martin 19, Saw 249, a M 240, and a 9MM. Yeah I did not like the big guns as much as I like the M4. I do have to say a M240 because it was a machine gun was cool to shot, but I could not load any of them. Also the 9mm I did not like because it had bad back fire and it was hard to reload, which I just think the guy did not explain it to me well. Anyways I was having a blast!
I did not want to leave I was having so much fun shooting! I never thought I would say that. I always said I was against guns but that was fun. The guy was like you should go join the army now so you could shot all the time, I was like funny. Yeah I guess I have learned alot living on a army post. I never thought that I would be talking this way and know different guns. I am excited with my new knowledge. LOL!!!
So don't make me mad!!! LOL!

Anyways I am in love with Twilight. I have not even had it 24hours and am already on page 150 something. That is good for me.