Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bad Newws

Bad news at the DRs
Current mood: sad

Okay so I have not up date laterly cause I did not have anything to say, but now I am ready. Okay so I had another DR appointment this past Monday. I was so hoping that it would bring good news that the 150mg of Clomid worked and then we could move forward. But nope good news. I still did not ovulate yet. So if we move forward it will be with the shots. Well, then he looked at the results of Jeremy's SA and that was not good news. It was really bad. So he said it is not important that i ovalute right now if his Sperm Analysis is bad. So now we have to schuldule another appointment for him to do another test. If the test turns out good then I will have to go do an out patience surgury to check my tubes and stuff. And this is the kicker. If his next test is bad again he said the only hope for us to get pregnant is by a IVF. Which IVF is a proceder that is not pay for by Tricare (our insurance) and you are looking at around $20,000 for one cycle and no guantuee that it will work.
So it took all I had not to start crying. So yeah I have been a little down. I just feel like it will never happen. Cause we will never have the money for a IVF or to even adopte. I know what every one is thinking you can just adopte. I have looked into that option but it cost lots of money and then you are just on a list for years. I just dont understand some days. We have so much love for children and have been wanting to share our love for years. I grew up always saying I wanted lots of kids ( I always wanted 6), which I still do but right now I just want one. So now I guess I should stop thinking about when I have a kid cause right now it wont happen and we are getting old. It is just so sad. I wish i could meet someone that needs someone to help them with their child or a teen that is giving it up so I could do a private adoption. I just want to open my home to others children. I know there are million of children out there needing someone to love, and I want to be there. I am thinking about being a foster parent but I dont know if since Jeremy is in the Army we can do it or since we live on post if we could still do it. I dont know. I hope so cause there are lots of kids that just needs some loves and it will be sad if they dont let me help those children out. Sorry for going and on, I am just sad and I want a child.

Okay well some good news is I am going to have a nephew! I am so excitied for my Adam and Kim and so happy for them, I just wish I live closer so I could spoiled it more. LOL! Anyways just wanted to say how happy I am for them!


Kimberly said...

Thanks! We are way excited. Sorry about all the hard times y'all are having.

John & Marie Haynes said...

Sorry for you bad news but don't give up Vifve Billingley was telling me how many years they went through this, about 10, and they were told to give up.

Sorry but I have been working extreme hours due to the hurricane. I have hundreds and hundreds of customers with Ike damage. Go to and see the pictures most everything between Winnie and Galveston is gone...Crystal Beach, and etc. even the bridge at rollover pass .. And lots of people are missing still..
Love you and miss you ...Dad

John & Marie Haynes said...

Well, I still hope and pray that your dream comes true. Look at me.... Heavenly Father blessed me with two beautiful daughters, a son, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law...... I thought I would never have.... DON'T give up.... happy thoughts. I miss you both...
Love, Marie

Just Mami said...

I am sorry that you guys are having such a hard road.

I know how awful infertility can be. If you want to talk...just send me an email, okay?


Heather Guymon said...

I am so sorry you are so down right now girl. Please please please try and keep your spirits up. The Lord is mindful of you and Jeremy and the struggle you are going through right now. He has a plan for you. Don't forget that OK? You WILL be a great mother Mandee. This is just a trial and a test and you will get through this. I am only saying this from experience...another one of my best friends had fertility problems and woke up one day 5 years later pregnant. It was such a miracle. He's a happy, healthy, baby boy and I know that one day you too will experience motherhood. Just get through the tough times and learn to rely on the Lord. You are stronger than you think. I love you girl.