So, In August one weekend we decide to go for a few hours to visit another city and walk around and do a little site seeing. So after looking at a few towns around here and what is in Bavarian (the state that we live it) we decide to go to Wurzburg. Wurzburg is an old nice city, bigger then Schweinfurt. So what did we do we got up Saturday morning and hope on a TRAIN!
About 30 minutes later we arrived at the city of Wurzburg
Here is a piece of the Castle which we did not visit this trip..
Decide to save something for next time
So we took a stroll downtown to the market area and just kinda wonder around for awhile because the English tour we wanted to go on did not start for awhile.
Here is a picture of downtown with the streetcar!
We decide to eat Lunch downtown too. So we had this wonderful pizza.
Here is a picture of the pizza and for everyone wondering those rounds things are just thick slices of tomatoes with cheese over theme.
This is the reason we chose to go to Wurzburg. This is the view we saw has we were walking up onto it. This is called the Residenz of Wurzburg. They also had a beautiful garden around it. But, I could not take pictures inside so Sorry I don't have any.
This is a picture of the gate to get into the garden! Beautiful!
Here we are in the side garden and that is the SIDE of the Residenz..
Sorry not the best picture but it was the best I could do with a Self Timer
This is the back of the Palace with the full garden back here to.
A Self Timer picture of us again at the back of it!
A beautiful church that we went found!
Another church that we saw.
Here is the inside of it.. BEAUTIFUL
Art work on the ceiling but it was pretty with the light shinning in
Another Church that was downtown right in the market area
The inside of that church
what an experience to see these old sites
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